Use Ctrl-Alt-Del To Login

The generic way to login to Windows XP is through the Welcome screen:

If you would prefer to login by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del instead of using the Welcome screen:

This guide can help to you:

1) Click the Start Button
2) Click the Run Command
3) In the Run Command Windows type "regedt32"
4) Navigate to each of the following areas and change the value as listed:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]

Create a new DWORD value for "DisableCAD" with a value of "Zero"

Set The Value For "LogonType" to "One"

5) Restart the computer
6) Now the All Programs should be back in the Start Menu

Recommended Tools:
-Try this custom tool to automatically fix your problem:

Number Lock Enabled At Startup

If you use the number pad on the right side of the keyboard often then I'm sure you've at one point experienced a problem where the Num Lock key has not been on. It is always important to have the Num Lock key on and there is a way to make sure it's always enabled when you startup Windows:

1) Click the Start Button
2) Click the Run Command
3) In the Run Command Windows type "regedt32"
4) Navigate to each of the following areas and change the value as listed:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard]

Set The Value For "InitialKeyboardIndicators" to "Two"

5) Restart the computer
6) Now the Num Lock key should be on at startup

Recommended Tools:
-Try this custom tool to automatically fix your problem:

Connect To Non-Broadcasted Network

If you have a Windows XP SP2 computer, you're using the Windows Wireless Zero Config program, and you have a router with the SSID not broadcast then this guide can help you.

Windows XP does not have the ability to natively connect to a wireless network that does not have the SSID broadcast. Microsoft does have a tool that will enable you to patch Windows XP and allow you to detect non-broadcast SSID networks:

Windows XP SP2 Wi-fi Patch

By downloading the following patch you will be able to patch your Wireless Zero Config and enable it to detect an SSID that is not broadcast.

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